I know langueg and how much I do in these languages on GitHub

Our commpany: Kandibobier#0461, mikitka#7312, Danilkin|DG#7825, Komet#4388,˞-˞˞˞˞˞˞˞#7743

Our Logo

Kandibobier#0461 logo and information about him

He know Hmtl, Javascript and Css. He is my main helper and site creator

mikitka#7312 logo and information about him

He know Python. He is our video editor, photo editor and model projector. Chief photoshoper.

Danilkin|DG#7825 logo and information about him

He know Python, JavaScript, Html and Css. He is the creator of Dgi.org, the head of solution and project creation.

Komet#4388 information about him

He know C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java. He is site creator

˞˞ alekadykalo#7743 information about him

He know C, C++, C#, JAVA. HTML/CSS/ReactJS. SQL, NoSQL. He is a site/app creator.

And you too can become a developer in our company, we will all embrace, all are equal in our team. We will be glad that you will be with us. Write to us at e-mail: smplencl@gmail.com.